Monday 26 November 2012

Top 3 Book Launch Emotions

Lucky number 7.
That’s how many days left, until Spaghetti is NOT a Finger Food and Other Life Lessons, launches into the digital world.
For the past two weeks, I’ve slept very little. It feels like I’m counting down to the most incredible Christmas morning of my life.
I’m a natural born insomniac, so all this launch fervour has kept me awake for much of the night, every night. On the plus side of being awake at 2:00 a.m., I’ve had loads of extra time to surf the net, get lost on Pinterest, and narrow down all my heightened feelings into a top 3 list. Oh, how I love a good list. (And chocolate. Just sayin.')  
My Top 3 Book Launch Emotions:

 1. Excitement – that my first book is being published. I’ve actually given myself migraines after speaking with my publisher. On numerous occasions. True story.

 2. Trepidation – what if I sell so few copies, my publishes wails to the heavens and refuses to return my emails? (Even when they are loaded with super-smiley-faced emoticons.) I quell this fear with kilograms and kilograms (pounds and pounds) of M&M’s and Caramel Kisses.

3. Hope – I am riding a Tidal Wave of Hope.

Hope that Connor’s story will reach our desired audience – Asperger Syndrome kids and their families; teachers; as well as children who aren’t on the spectrum, but have a classmate or friend that is.
I hope, with all my heart, that Connor's story impacts lives.
I hope it brings understanding. I hope it brings compassion and acceptance. I hope that hope grows within the Asperger and Autism community that inclusion is possible. I hope that this hope spreads to other communities as well and we foster inclusion for all.

My hopes are bigger than me.
They’re bigger than big and grander than grand.
They’re audacious.
And that’s the best thing about hope.
Hope has no limit. Hope has no maximum weight.
Hope springs eternal.
And hope, nurtured and encouraged, spreads like wildflowers across the prairies.

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